Wednesday, January 21, 2015

...auctions are awesome

  Most people have heard of an auction or an estate sale but a lot of people have never been. 

  To some it may seem boring or some may even think it's all outdated junk. I get it if you're style is modern and new, but for me, I'll take the antique! 
  To me, furniture that was built years ago lasts longer than today's furniture, and the details in an antique piece are beautiful and timeless. Although, 95% of the time a piece will show wear and tear and that is when you have to get your hands dirty and bring it back to life!

So if you're into antiques and have never been to an auction, you should go! You never know what you can find and restore :)

 Here are some before&afters of things I have bought from auctions and estate sales.

 Remember: Paint can do wonders and can create a one of a kind piece! 
So find you an auction to go to! ;)

Until next time!

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