Thursday, December 11, 2014

Diy Chalk Paint

Tutorial on how to create your own chalk paint

This chalk paint recipe consists of flat latex paint, plaster of paris, and water. It's a thicker paint but it goes on just as easy as regular paint. I like this type of paint because it gives a piece an antique finish.

With this paint there is no sanding or priming. 

Although, I personally like to sand the surfaces and clean the piece with a wet cloth. I want to make sure all that grime and years of dust and dirt are off before I put that pretty paint on! ;)

Chalk Paint Recipe:

-Valspar Signature flat latex paint
-Plastic paint buckets (I use a plastic bowl)
-Plaster of Paris
-Stir Sticks
-Plastic measuring cups (don't reuse for food)
-Water (cool, not warm)
-Paste wax

1. Mix 1/3 cup of plaster paris and 1/3 cup of cool water. Stir until completely smooth.

2. Mix that with 1 cup of latex paint and stir thoroughly.

*This will make enough chalk paint for one coat on a 6 drawer dresser.

*Chalk Paint should not be stored and reused.

*If you have a smaller project, mix smaller amounts of ingredients in the same proportions.

The Plaster of Paris is easy to find. I found mine at Lowes hardware. (Next to the paint supply aisle) It's a powder form- very easy to mix. Don't be scared. 

After you paint your piece you will need to wax it to protect it. I use the Annie Sloan waxes but you can purchase the paste wax (haven't tried that) in your hardware store. I will post a waxing tutorial on my blog.

As you can see in the picture above, I once used a different paint then what the recipe calls for. I used a paint & primer mix. I found it dirt cheap so I thought: "What's to lose??!" Lol I had fun experimenting with it, it literally felt and looked like cottage cheese! It painted on fine though and dried to look like normal paint! :)

All of this has been a huge learning experience for me. I've definitely became brave in trying out new things and experimenting! I couldn't have done it though without Micha. He is just so supportive and I love him for it! 

Hope you find this helpful!



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